4 Reasons to Celebrate and Thank Veterinary Technicians

While there is no questioning the fact that our trusted veterinarians do important work, keeping our beloved pets safe and healthy, they aren’t the only professionals hard at work when you bring your pet to an appointment. In honor of National Veterinary Technician Week October 17 – 23, we want to take a moment to look at the four reasons you should celebrate and thank the veterinary technicians that care for your pets!

What Are Veterinary Technicians Responsible For?

An important member of the veterinary care team, veterinary technicians/nurses are often your first point of contact when you arrive at the clinic with your pet. But what do veterinary technicians do? They may do a wide variety of jobs depending on the clinic and their specific role, supporting the veterinarian with their technical expertise as well as assisting in many ways with patient care needs. They are highly educated, certified professionals that do everything in their power to ensure that your appointments run smoothly, and your veterinarian can do his or her job to provide your pet with the best possible care. You will often hear them referred to as vet techs.“Veterinary technicians and nurses out here are the lifeblood of veterinary practices. Without these crucial team members, veterinarians would not be able to fully do their job. Veterinary technicians and nurses turn a veterinarian’s orders into treatment and care for patients. Their work is often overlooked and undervalued.” – Erin Spencer, NAVTA President

What is National Veterinary Technician Week?

Recognizing the valuable role that veterinary technicians/nurses play in the healthcare industry and the fact that their contributions are often overlooked or unrecognized, the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) proclaimed National Veterinary Technician Week as a time to recognize their hard work. This is an annual event encouraging pet owners and pet professionals to acknowledge and thank veterinary technicians and nurses who they have had contact with or who they work alongside.As a pet parent, this is a time to give a shout-out to the many professionals that work so hard to keep our pets happy and healthy. You don’t need to shower them with gifts; however, a word of appreciation goes a long way! The next time you are in the office (especially if it’s during National Veterinary Technician Week) take a moment to thank these hardworking and caring individuals.vet tech with cat | 4 Reasons to Celebrate and Thank Veterinary Technicians

Four Reasons to Celebrate and Thank Veterinary Technicians

#1 – Thank Veterinary Techs For Constantly Being on Their Feet

A day as a vet tech is LONG. They have no time to kick back and put their feet up. Instead, they invest all their time and effort into giving our pets the best possible care. By the end of the workday, they are often exhausted and yet they will still stay late when necessary for an urgent or emergent case that requires their help.

#2 – Thank Veterinary Techs Because Their Jobs Aren’t Always Glorious

If you think their job is all puppy kisses and kitten cuddles, you couldn’t be further from the truth. Vet techs are the ones that collect specimens and samples, performing necessary laboratory procedures so that the veterinarian can then interpret the results. They are also often the ones responsible for placing catheters, administering medications, and preparing the pets for surgery when necessary. However, they recognize that these tasks are important for your pet’s care, so they do them day after day with a smile on their faces.Recently Walter Brown, a vet tech who everyone should follow for his honest and real-life views of being a vet tech shared this on his Facebook page. His shares are not always upbeat, because they are real and honest, but he’s always showing up and staying as positive as he can in each moment and each day.

#3 – Thank Your Vet Tech Because They Truly Care for Your Pet

Vet techs go the extra mile to keep our pets as comfortable as possible when they need veterinary care. When pets require additional care and medical supervision, the vet techs are the ones responsible for most of the ongoing care. They are often the ones administering medications, monitoring the pet through recovery, and responding to any needs or health concerns that may come up during this time including emergency first aid until a veterinarian is available. They are the loving touch that cares for our pets when we can’t be there to care for them ourselves.

#4 – Thank Your Veterinary Tech Because They Grieve with You

The hardest moment for most pet parents is the day that you have to say goodbye. However, we aren’t the only one that grieves the loss of our beloved pet. Over the years that they have cared for our pets, they have also fallen in love with them and when the time comes to say goodbye, they are grieving too. During the appointment, they don’t always show it, but that is often because they are staying strong to support you. But know that their hearts are also breaking.There are more than four reasons to thank veterinary technicians, but the biggest reason is that their heart is with your pet and they don’t care what they have to do to meet your pet's needs, they just want to help your pet be happy and healthy. It can feel like a thankless job, so maybe do something special for your vet tech? At least give them a heartfelt thank you.If you are considering gifts for veterinary technicians at your local vet clinic, we suggest celebrating National Veterinary Technician Week by thanking them with something simple like coffee or baked goods. This October, join us as we thank veterinary technicians around the world for their dedication, care, and love for our pets! Share this post to spread the word about these unsung heroes.


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